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fastlane init

Matthieu requested to merge github/fork/ahangarha/fastlane-init into master

Created by: ahangarha

Regarding #179 (closed), the initial structure of Fastlane is made. It includes:

└── fastlane
    └── metadata
        └── android
            ├── en-US
            │   ├── short_description.txt
            │   ├── full_description.txt
            │   ├── title.txt
            │   ├── images
            │   │   ├── icon.png
            │   │   ├── phoneScreenshots
            │   │   │   ├── Screenshot_20200519-01.png
            │   │   │   ├── Screenshot_20200519-02.png
            │   │   │   ├── Screenshot_20200519-03.png
            │   │   │   ├── Screenshot_20200519-04.png

Screenshots are made from my own account for which I have no claim.

Merge request reports